
Intellectual property, commercial contracts

Silvie Wertwijn, Micheline Don and Tessa de Mönnink wrote the chapter on Dutch law in the publication “Licensing 2021″form Lexology GTDT. You can read this chapter via this pdf.

Intellectual property

Micheline Don wrote an article for INTA on whether famous names and titles can be trademarks. You can read this article via  this pdf.

Franchise and distribution

Tessa de Mönnink wrote an article on franchise in the Dutch legal journal “Overeenkomst in de Rechtspraktijk” of april 2018. You can read this article via this PDF.

Distribution & Agency

Tessa de Mönnink wrote the English chapter “Distribution & Agency” in Getting the Deal Through, publication in 2017. You can read this chapter via this PDF.  

Franchise: start with why

Tessa de Mönnink wrote an article on franchise in the Dutch legal journal “Overeenkomst in de Rechtspraktijk” of april 2018. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Distribution & Agency

Tessa de Mönnink wrote the English chapter “Distribution & Agency” in Getting the Deal Through, publication in 2017. You can read this chapter via this PDF.


Het toenemende spanningsveld

Tessa de Mönnink and Silvie Wertwijn wrote a Dutch article in the Dutch Internetjournal “Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht, publication September 3, 2016. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Franchising under Dutch laws

Tessa de Mönnink wrote an English chapter “Franchising under Dutch laws” in the Dutch journal “Import en Export van Franchiseformules van de NFV”, publication november 2014. You can read this chapter via this PDF.  

Kwalificatie overeenkomst als VOF of arbeidsovereenkomst bij HR

Renzo ter Haseborg wrote a note to the judgement of the Supreme Court of June 7, 2013 (ECLI:NL:HR:2013:CA3786, De Bakkerij V.O.F.) on labor law, in the Dutch legal journal “OR Updates”, publication September 27, 2013. You can read this note via this PDF.  

Besluitvorming inzake ontslag en opzeggen managementovereenkomst statutair directeur

Renzo ter Haseborg wrote a note to the judgement of the court of Amsterdam (05-03-2013, ECLI:NL:GHARL:2013:BZ5163, Stichting Pensioenfonds Horeca en Catering) on labor law, in the Dutch legal journal “OR Updates”, publication June 10, 2013. You can read this note via this PDF.

A cowboy’s work is never done, maar krijgt de werknemer er nog wat voor terug?

Barbara Spliet wrote a Dutch article “A cowboy’s work is never done, maar krijgt de werknemer er nog wat voor terug?” in the Dutch legal journal “Recht voor gewone mensen” (Peeters-bundel), publication NJ 1993, 612. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid op basis van de wet verplichte deelneming aan het bedrijfstakpensioenfonds 2000

Renzo ter Haseborg wrote a note to the judgement of the Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden (05-03-2013, ECLI:NL:GHARL:2013:BZ5163, Stichting Pensioenfonds Horeca en Catering) on directors’ liability in the Dutch legal journal “OR Updates”, publication June 10, 2013. You can read this note via this PDF.  

Ontbindende voorwaarde in de arbeidsovereenkomst

Barbara Spliet wrote a Dutch article resolutive conditions in the Dutch legal journal “Arbeidsrecht”, nr. 12-2011. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Beëindiging van een distributieovereenkomst: een opzegtermijn van drie jaar

Tessa de Mönnink wrote a Dutch article on termination of the distribution agreement in the Dutch legal journal “IE Contractenrecht”, publication June 2010. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Een distributeur is in de regel beter af dan een handelsagent

Tessa de Mönnink wrote a Dutch article on comparison between a distributor and a commercial agent, in the Dutch legal journal “Nederlands Juristenblad”, publication September 4, 2009. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Medezeggenschap bij grensoverschrijdende fusies

Barbara Spliet wrote a Dutch article on employee participation in case of international mergers in the Dutch legal journal “Arbeid Integraal”, publication November 2008. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Selectie op competenties en andere wetenswaardigheden: wijzigingen in het ontslagbesluit en de beleidsregels

Barbara Spliet wrote a Dutch article on dismissal regulations and policy rules in the Dutch legal journal “Arbeidsrecht”, publication August 2007. You can read this article via this PDF.  

Het mijnenveld van de internationale arbeidsverhouding II

Barbara Spliet wrote a Dutch article on international labor relations in the Dutch legal journal “Arbeidsrecht”, publication March 2006. You can read this article via this PDF.