by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 30 June 2020 | Franchise
Today is the day. The Franchise Act has been adopted by the Senate. As of 1 January 2021, the act enters into force. As to several drastic rules a transition period of 2 years will apply (non-competition clause, right of approval and place of business’ valuation), but waiting until 2023 is out of the question.
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by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 23 June 2020 | Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
After a long run-up, the Franchise Act is expected to become reality within soon. Franchisors are well advized to anticipate this upcoming law which will most likely have a very brief transitory period.
Content and Introduction of Act:
The Franchise Act has been adopted by the Dutch Parliament on 16th of June.
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by Annelies van Zoest | 23 June 2020 | Franchise
Sales Forecast is no Guarantee: once more the “legal error torpedo” of franchisees recently missed its target
Quite frequently franchise organizations hire an external market research firm to have them carry out a local market survey (VPO), when the opportunity of a new outlet location presents itself.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 23 June 2020 | Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
(I) Temporary Payment Suspension Act 2020
with this Act a “COVID-19 Defense” is introduced for companies having liquidity issues as a result of the Corona measures taken by the government.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 18 May 2020 | Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
News by Tessa de Mönnink | 18 May 2020 | Commercial contracts, Distribution and Agency, Franchise Covid-19 report on commercial contracts Crisis management mechanisms: Covid-19 and commercial contracts – existing solutions in Western Europe. You can read this... read more
by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 17 March 2020 | Franchise
News Dutch Franchise Act also applicable to (selective) Distribution and Dealer Contracts or Trademark Licenses? 17 March 2020 – Tessa de Mönnink, Annelies van Zoest As we previously reported, a reviewed Franchise Bill has been presented by the State Secretary... read more