by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 23 June 2020 | Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
After a long run-up, the Franchise Act is expected to become reality within soon. Franchisors are well advized to anticipate this upcoming law which will most likely have a very brief transitory period.
Content and Introduction of Act:
The Franchise Act has been adopted by the Dutch Parliament on 16th of June.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 23 June 2020 | Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
(I) Temporary Payment Suspension Act 2020
with this Act a “COVID-19 Defense” is introduced for companies having liquidity issues as a result of the Corona measures taken by the government.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 18 May 2020 | Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
News by Tessa de Mönnink | 18 May 2020 | Commercial contracts, Distribution and Agency, Franchise Covid-19 report on commercial contracts Crisis management mechanisms: Covid-19 and commercial contracts – existing solutions in Western Europe. You can read this... read more
by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 25 April 2019 | Distribution & Agency
Suppliers and buyers constantly make agreements on purchase, sale and resale of products and services, within the context inter alia of distribution, dealer and franchise agreements. The Autoriteit Consument en Markt (Authority Consumers and Market – ACM) will supervize whether these agreements are not disadvantageous to competition and consumers. In that case, the agreements are prohibited.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 28 December 2018 | Employment law, Employee Participation, Pension law, Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency, Intellectual Property, Privacy, IT & Internet, Pharma & Life Sciences, Mediation
News Announcement Parker Advocaten 28 december 2018 There’s so much we share. So why not share the same name? From 1 January 2019, De Grave De Mönnink Spliet Advocaten is joined by Scope Advocaten, continuing under the name Parker Advocaten. Taking a different... read more
by Tessa de Mönnink | 20 February 2018 | Franchise, Distribution & Agency, Mediation
There are a number of interesting recent developments in the field of franchise and distribution:
Franchise bill ‘on hold’
First of all, the franchise bill, on which an internet consultation was held in 2017, has been put ‘on hold’ in October 2017. In the coalition agreement Rutte III[1], which the new Dutch government presented on 10 October 2017, says about franchise:
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