Discretionary bonus curbed
The bonus scheme has become an integral part of the modern employment package. Granting the bonus or changing the scheme itself is at the employer’s discretion.
read moreThe bonus scheme has become an integral part of the modern employment package. Granting the bonus or changing the scheme itself is at the employer’s discretion.
read moreThe lawyers at Parker Advocaten regularly speak at seminars and provide training and courses in their respective areas of expertise.
read moreExpelling a member from the works council is not possible under the Works Council Act (WOR) by the works council or company itself. However, a member can be excluded from acting as works council member by the court (section 13 of the WOR).
read moreMembers of the Works Council, but also, for example, members of Works Council committees, are protected against detriment under the Dutch Works Councils Act (WOR) (section 21 WOR).
read moreIn an outline letter dated 5 July 2022 , the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (in Dutch: Minister SZW) presented a framework approach to achieve a reform of the current labour market system.
read moreMany organisations work with self-employed workers. Whether they are called self-employed without staff, consultants or freelancers: for most organisations, it is important that these self-employed workers cannot be seen as employees. Only then Dutch dismissal law and continued payment during illness will not apply and the employer avoids additional tax assessments from the tax authorities
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