
SER advice labour market; important new legislation on the way

17 June 2021 – Renzo Ter Haseborg

On 14 June 2021, the SER presented an ‘advisory report on the labour market’ jointly drawn up by employers’ and employees’ organisations. It is expected that this advice will lead to important adjustments of labour legislation.

The most important points for employers from the SER advisory report are as follows:

1. It will become more difficult to have several temporary contracts follow each other. In 3 years, a maximum of 3 temporary contracts may be entered into. The current interruption period will be abolished.

2. On-call contracts will be replaced by contracts with a minimum number of hours per quarter. For students and school pupils the current on-call contracts remain possible.

3. Companies in difficult economic circumstances are allowed to reduce the working hours of employees by up to 20 per cent. The employer is reimbursed 75% of the wage costs.

4. Reintegration obligations for employees who are sick for more than one year are eased for the employer. In the second year of illness, the employer can choose to focus the reintegration entirely on another employer.

5. In order to prevent false self-employment, workers who earn less than the maximum daily wage (30/35 euros per hour) are legally presumed to be employees.

We will keep you informed of further developments in this area.

Renzo Ter Haseborg
