Newsflash: working with self-employed workers after Deliveroo ruling

Many organisations work with self-employed workers. Whether they are called self-employed without staff, consultants or freelancers: for most organisations, it is important that these self-employed workers cannot be seen as employees. Only then Dutch dismissal law and continued payment during illness will not apply and the employer avoids additional tax assessments from the tax authorities

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Refunding study costs by employees limited by new legislation

It used to be quite common – especially in the case of the more expensive courses – for employers to agree with employees that upon termination of the employment contract, the employee would refund (part of) the study costs. As of 1 August 2022, the Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions Act (Wet transparant en voorspelbare arbeidsvoorwaarden) will severely limit the possibility to recover such costs from the employee.

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