by Barbara Spliet | 30 January 2023 | Employment law
Inadequate performance by the employee may, under circumstances, be grounds for termination of the employment agreement. For a request for dissolution to succeed, a number of conditions must be met.
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by Barbara Spliet | 20 September 2022 | Employment law
It used to be quite common – especially in the case of the more expensive courses – for employers to agree with employees that upon termination of the employment contract, the employee would refund (part of) the study costs. As of 1 August 2022, the Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions Act (Wet transparant en voorspelbare arbeidsvoorwaarden) will severely limit the possibility to recover such costs from the employee.
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by Barbara Spliet | 7 June 2022 | Employment law
In two recent judgments, the question of whether the agreed trainee contract should not be regarded as an employment contract was addressed.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg, Barbara Spliet & Yvette Kouwenberg | 7 March 2022 | Employment law, Privacy
Overview of changes 2022, Working conditions directive, Paid parental leave, Home working allowance, Work-related costs scheme (in Dutch abbreviated as ‘WKR’), Smoking areas at work forbidden, Compulsory corona self-test at work.
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by Barbara Spliet | 7 March 2022 | Employment law, Employee Participation
Amendment to the Works Councils Act (WOR) and consequences for the regulations of the works council
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