by Yvette Kouwenberg, Barbara Spliet & Renzo Ter Haseborg | 25 April 2019 | Employment law
The bill for the WAB has been adopted by Parliament on 5 February last. Although the plans for a longer trial period did not make it, as to the rest the bill has been upheld for the largest part. If the Senate also agrees to the bill, then the WAB will enter into force on 1 January 2020.
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by Dorienke de Grave-Verkerk & Barbara Spliet | 20 February 2018 | Employment law, Employee Participation
Employee participation law keeps developing. Below are some alerts for those who are interested in or concerned with employee participation.
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by Barbara Spliet | 5 December 2017 | Employment law
The transition compensation keeps the legislator and the judiciary occupied. Below a survey of recent developments and rulings, after a brief explanation of the general rules in connection with the transition compensation.
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by Barbara Spliet & Micheline Don | 25 November 2016 | IT & Internet
Websites often contain hyperlinks giving access to content elsewhere on the Internet. Can you post such a hyperlink without any risk? Following a recent decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), one should tread carefully as hyperlinking may well infringe copyrights.
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by Barbara Spliet | 16 November 2016 | Employment law
For some time now, the WWZ (Employment and Social Security Act) has been applicable law, but various parts are still unclear in their application. For example, in a procedure leading to the termination of an employment contract because of – say – dysfunctioning, what evidence should an employer submit?
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