by Renzo Ter Haseborg & Yvette Kouwenberg | 5 June 2018 | Employment law
A previous bill comprised that employers could be indemnified, upon request, for payment of a (transitional) severance amount upon termination of the employment of a long-term ill employee (hereinafter: ‘the compensation plan’). This compensation plan has recently been specified. We hereby would like to inform you about the ‘what, when and how (much)’.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg & Yvette Kouwenberg | 20 February 2018 | Employment law
The self-employment (‘ZZP’) dossier
On 9 February 2018, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment announced in a letter to the Lower Chamber (Dutch = ‘Tweede Kamer’) that the enforcement of the Employment Relations Deregulation Act (Dutch = ‘DBA’) will be further suspended until 1 January 2020.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 5 December 2017 | Pension law
Act amending the Works Council Act (WOR) and the Pension Act concerning the rights of the Works Council relating to pension as an employment condition (of 22 June 2016)
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 22 April 2016 | Employment law
In fiscal – and social security law, a distinction is made between those self-employed and those being employed. This latter group has to pay payroll taxes and social security contributions on the wages or salary received.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 16 December 2015 | Employment law
Article 7:669 BW stipulates that the employer may terminate an employment contract when there are reasonable grounds to do so, and the redeployment of the employee within a reasonable period of time, with or without training, to another suitable job is not possible or does not make sense.
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