by Renzo Ter Haseborg, Barbara Spliet & Yvette Kouwenberg | 7 March 2022 | Employment law, Privacy
Overview of changes 2022, Working conditions directive, Paid parental leave, Home working allowance, Work-related costs scheme (in Dutch abbreviated as ‘WKR’), Smoking areas at work forbidden, Compulsory corona self-test at work.
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by Yvette Kouwenberg | 11 October 2021 | Employment law
With the relaxation of corona measures, most employers would like to see their staff (partly) return to the work floor
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by Yvette Kouwenberg | 17 June 2021 | Employment law
Recently, the French courts imposed a fine of no less than EUR 1 million on IKEA for spying on (prospective) employees.
More and more people have received an invitation from the government to be vaccinated against corona.
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by Yvette Kouwenberg | 23 March 2021 | Employment law, Employee Participation
Based on the legislative proposal for the Work Where You Like Act, employers will not be able to easily deny an employee’s request to work (more) at home or at the employer’s location.
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by Yvette Kouwenberg | 23 November 2020 | Employment law, Employee Participation
The Gatekeeper Improvement Act requires you to reintegrate an employee who is incapacitated for work due to illness. COVID-19 does not alter this, however it may cause you to face certain challenges during the reintgration process. For instance, how to reintegrate a sick employee when your business is closed as a result of governmental COVID-19 measures, such is the case in the hospitality industry? Particularily taking in mind that UWV can impose a wage sanction if UWV would deem the reintgration efforts as insufficiently after two years of illness.
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