Commercial contracts
Every company has to deal with commercial forms of cooperation. Companies enter into relationships with customers, suppliers and partners. These agreements are of great importance for the success of the relationship, but also if the relationship comes to an end. We have years of experience in drawing up agreements, advising on and litigating for national and international clients. Our expertise includes tort law, terms and conditions, consumer law, licensing agreements, product liability, manufacturing and development (R&D) agreements, sponsorship, marketing and advertising agreements, publishing agreements, sales agreements and supplier warranties. We have specialized legal knowledge about commercial cooperation in new markets, such as e-commerce, online sales channels, affiliate marketing and online platforms. For international matters or aspects, we have a worldwide network of specialized lawyers.

Tessa de Mönnink

Annelies van Zoest

Micheline Don
Contracts & distribution
The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has imposed a € 500,000 on web shop owner T.O.M. bv. and its two directors for violating the rules on reimbursing cancelled orders. T.O.M. bv sells internet-bikes, internet-toys, internet-sportclubs and internet-sportcasuals.
New requirements for online retailers
When travelling or when making purchases and payments, the online marketplace is a daily reality for consumers. Both they and retailers should feel comfortable when trading online, whether within their own country or across borders.