by Tessa de Mönnink & Parker Advocaten | 25 November 2016 | Distribution & Agency
In issue 3 (September 2016) of the “Tijdschrift voor internetrecht” (Magazine for internet law;, Silvie Wertwijn and Tessa de Mönnink have published an article dealing with the growing tensions between the interests of suppliers and of resellers in the era of “omnichannel strategy”. Using the following link you can download and read the full article.
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by Barbara Spliet & Micheline Don | 25 November 2016 | IT & Internet
Websites often contain hyperlinks giving access to content elsewhere on the Internet. Can you post such a hyperlink without any risk? Following a recent decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), one should tread carefully as hyperlinking may well infringe copyrights.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 25 November 2016 | Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency
The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has imposed a € 500,000 on web shop owner T.O.M. bv. and its two directors for violating the rules on reimbursing cancelled orders. T.O.M. bv sells internet-bikes, internet-toys, internet-sportclubs and internet-sportcasuals.
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by Dorienke de Grave-Verkerk | 25 November 2016 | Employment law
On 8 November 2016, the Upper Chamber of the Dutch Parliament (de Eerste Kamer) passed the bill “normalising the legal status of civil servants”. It aims at simplifying and modernising the administrative legal status. Traditionally – since 1929 – the civil servant´s legal status has been properly taken care of because of the government´s need for an effective civil administration.
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by Barbara Spliet | 16 November 2016 | Employment law
For some time now, the WWZ (Employment and Social Security Act) has been applicable law, but various parts are still unclear in their application. For example, in a procedure leading to the termination of an employment contract because of – say – dysfunctioning, what evidence should an employer submit?
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by Micheline Don | 22 April 2016 | Commercial contracts, IT & Internet
When travelling or when making purchases and payments, the online marketplace is a daily reality for consumers. Both they and retailers should feel comfortable when trading online, whether within their own country or across borders.
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by Dorienke de Grave-Verkerk | 22 April 2016 | Employment law, Employee Participation
In important decisions, the employer has to consult the organisation’s works council (Works Council-OR, Central Works Council-COR, Group Works Council-GOR, etc.). In doing so, a difference of opinion may arise about the business case, whether implementation of the decision is at all feasible and whether it will lead to the intended outcome?
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by Parker Advocaten | 22 April 2016 | Intellectual Property
Since 23 March last, European trademark legislation has been amended on a number of counts. The Community Trademark Directive (mandatory EU-guidelines for the legislation of member states) as well as the Trademark Regulation (legislation regarding the EU-trademark) have been amended.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 22 April 2016 | Employment law
In fiscal – and social security law, a distinction is made between those self-employed and those being employed. This latter group has to pay payroll taxes and social security contributions on the wages or salary received.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 22 April 2016 | Franchise
For some time now, the franchise branch in the Netherlands has been busy working on the Dutch franchise code. Since the beginning of 2015, this has been done by a Drafting Committee consisting of two members representing franchisee interests, two members representing the interests of franchisors, and assisted in this by two members provided by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
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