by Yvette Kouwenberg, Barbara Spliet & Renzo Ter Haseborg | 25 April 2019 | Employment law
The bill for the WAB has been adopted by Parliament on 5 February last. Although the plans for a longer trial period did not make it, as to the rest the bill has been upheld for the largest part. If the Senate also agrees to the bill, then the WAB will enter into force on 1 January 2020.
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by admin | 25 April 2019 | Intellectual Property, Uncategorized
Late March, the European Parliament adopted the draft of the European Copyright Directive. The draft …
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by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 25 April 2019 | Franchise
On 12 December 2018, the Rutte III government presented a Bill for a franchising Act to the industry for the purposes of consultation. So far, there was no specific franchising act …
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by Parker Advocaten | 25 April 2019 | Pharma & Life Sciences
In our newsletter of April 2017, the Bill for review of the Dutch Medicines Act (DMA) by reason of technical improvements and increase of the fine maximum was already discussed. The final Act was published on 15 November 2018 and entered into force on 1 January 2019.
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by Parker Advocaten | 25 April 2019 | Intellectual Property, Pharma & Life Sciences
On 1 February 2019, the so-called pharmacist exemption in the Dutch Patent Act 1995 (DPA) has become effective.
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by Tessa de Mönnink & Annelies van Zoest | 25 April 2019 | Distribution & Agency
Suppliers and buyers constantly make agreements on purchase, sale and resale of products and services, within the context inter alia of distribution, dealer and franchise agreements. The Autoriteit Consument en Markt (Authority Consumers and Market – ACM) will supervize whether these agreements are not disadvantageous to competition and consumers. In that case, the agreements are prohibited.
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by Micheline Don & Parker Advocaten | 25 April 2019 | Intellectual Property
Based on the new European Trademark Directive and further harmonization of trademark law at EU level, the new Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property has been amended and entered into force on 1 March 2019. The main changes read as follows.
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by Tessa de Mönnink | 28 December 2018 | Employment law, Employee Participation, Pension law, Franchise, Commercial contracts, Distribution & Agency, Intellectual Property, Privacy, IT & Internet, Pharma & Life Sciences, Mediation
News Announcement Parker Advocaten 28 december 2018 There’s so much we share. So why not share the same name? From 1 January 2019, De Grave De Mönnink Spliet Advocaten is joined by Scope Advocaten, continuing under the name Parker Advocaten. Taking a different... read more
by Renzo Ter Haseborg & Yvette Kouwenberg | 5 June 2018 | Employment law
A previous bill comprised that employers could be indemnified, upon request, for payment of a (transitional) severance amount upon termination of the employment of a long-term ill employee (hereinafter: ‘the compensation plan’). This compensation plan has recently been specified. We hereby would like to inform you about the ‘what, when and how (much)’.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg & Yvette Kouwenberg | 20 February 2018 | Employment law
The self-employment (‘ZZP’) dossier
On 9 February 2018, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment announced in a letter to the Lower Chamber (Dutch = ‘Tweede Kamer’) that the enforcement of the Employment Relations Deregulation Act (Dutch = ‘DBA’) will be further suspended until 1 January 2020.
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