by Renzo Ter Haseborg, Barbara Spliet & Yvette Kouwenberg | 7 March 2022 | Employment law, Privacy
Overview of changes 2022, Working conditions directive, Paid parental leave, Home working allowance, Work-related costs scheme (in Dutch abbreviated as ‘WKR’), Smoking areas at work forbidden, Compulsory corona self-test at work.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 11 October 2021 | Employment law
In the event of a reorganisation, an employment contract can only be terminated if (i) there is an economic reason and (ii) redeployment is not possible within a reasonable period of time.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 17 June 2021 | Employment law
On 14 June 2021, the SER presented an ‘advisory report on the labour market’ jointly drawn up by employers’ and employees’ organisations. It is expected that this advice will lead to important adjustments of labour legislation.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 23 March 2021 | Employment law, Employee Participation
The case is about whether a Deliveroo deliverer should be regarded as a contractor or as an employee. An important issue, because an employee enjoys much more protection than a contractor. For example, an employee is entitled to protection from dismissal, to continued payment of wages in the event of illness and unemployment benefits. All this does not apply to a contractor.
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by Renzo Ter Haseborg | 25 September 2020 | Employment law
Although the details of NOW 3 are not yet known, the government announced several amendments. The exact terms and conditions of NOW 3 will be announced by 1 October 2020.
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