Employment Law

Employment law is constantly changing, with various new legislation in the field of, among other things, dismissal and flexible employment. We focus on employment law in the broadest sense, including individual and collective dismissals (reorganisations), changes to employment conditions and non-competition clauses. We also have extensive experience in the field of flexible employment relationships and contract agreements. Our clients are both national and international employers, (statutory) directors and employees, in virtually all sectors of the economy.

Barbara Spliet


Renzo Ter Haseborg


Yvette Kouwenberg

lawyer/associate partner


Retirement dismissal covered by the WWZ (employment and social security act)

Unless it has a been otherwise agreed upon in writing (individually or collectively), under the Employment and Social Security Act (WWZ), effective 1 July 2015, the employer can terminate an employee´s employment contract prior to or after the day on which the employee acquires the right to retirement benefits under the AOW (state pension) or on the basis of a different pension scheme (article 7:669 sub 4 Dutch Civil Code, DCC)

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