Intellectual Property
Every company has to deal with intellectual property rights, such as trademark law, copyright, patent law, design law, trade name law, advertising law, unfair commercial practices, breeders’ rights and know-how/trade secrets. We assist our clients in all aspects of this, such as planned product launches, marketing and advertising campaigns, protecting brands and products, entering into or terminating licensing agreements and combating counterfeiting. In addition to advising and drawing up contracts, we also assist our clients in conducting proceedings on all these issues. For international matters or aspects, we have a worldwide network of specialized lawyers.

Micheline Don
Can a work of art be a Trademark?
In the autumn of 2015, the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (“BOIP”) organized a marketing campaign. During the campaign, anyone depositing a logo with the BOIP would be presented with the logo as a painting on canvas.
Keep your trade secrets safe
From 9 June 2018, the European Trade Secrets Directive has to be part of Dutch law. The bill is at present being debated. The new law should give holders of trade secrets more possibilities to act against unlawful use of their trade secrets.
Proprietors of EU-trademarks beware!
Since 23 March last, European trademark legislation has been amended on a number of counts. The Community Trademark Directive (mandatory EU-guidelines for the legislation of member states) as well as the Trademark Regulation (legislation regarding the EU-trademark) have been amended.