Pension Law
We are engaged in advising, litigating and drawing up contracts with regard to general pension law. We are particularly involved in changing pension schemes and advising on pension aspects in acquisitions.

Renzo Ter Haseborg
A mouse hole to get out from under a mandatory pension
Two judgments of the Den Bosch Court of Appeal whether company was subject to the Fashion, Interior, Carpet and Textile Industry Pension Fund (Bpf MITT).
The Future Pensions Act
As a result of the Future Pensions Act (“Wtp”), the pension system will change from a system of pension rights to one with pension savings pots. Personal choices of the employee will also more often determine the amount of the pension. The transition to a contribution agreement with an age-independent contribution (“flat rate”) means that almost all pension schemes will have to be overhauled in the coming period.
News Announcement Parker Advocaten 28 december 2018There’s so much we share. So why not share the same name? From 1 January 2019, De Grave De Mönnink Spliet Advocaten is joined by Scope Advocaten, continuing under the name Parker Advocaten. Taking a different...
Important new pension scheme rights of the work council (OR)
Act amending the Works Council Act (WOR) and the Pension Act concerning the rights of the Works Council relating to pension as an employment condition (of 22 June 2016)