
The Future Pensions Act

As a result of the Future Pensions Act (“Wtp”), the pension system will change from a system of pension rights to one with pension savings pots. Personal choices of the employee will also more often determine the amount of the pension. The transition to a contribution agreement with an age-independent contribution (“flat rate”) means that almost all pension schemes will have to be overhauled in the coming period.

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Newsflash: working with self-employed workers after Deliveroo ruling

Many organisations work with self-employed workers. Whether they are called self-employed without staff, consultants or freelancers: for most organisations, it is important that these self-employed workers cannot be seen as employees. Only then Dutch dismissal law and continued payment during illness will not apply and the employer avoids additional tax assessments from the tax authorities

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In practice: FAQ’s most frequently asked questions about the Dutch Franchise Act

In our previous newsletters, we discussed the introduction of the Dutch Franchise Act (the “Act” or “Franchise Act”). This Act is effective as of 1 January 2021 and is of mandatory law. Some legal obligations were subject to an implementation deadline until 31 December 2022. This deadline has now expired.

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