Employment Law
Employment law is constantly changing, with various new legislation in the field of, among other things, dismissal and flexible employment. We focus on employment law in the broadest sense, including individual and collective dismissals (reorganisations), changes to employment conditions and non-competition clauses. We also have extensive experience in the field of flexible employment relationships and contract agreements. Our clients are both national and international employers, (statutory) directors and employees, in virtually all sectors of the economy.

Barbara Spliet

Renzo Ter Haseborg

Yvette Kouwenberg
lawyer/associate partner
Discretionary bonus curbed
The bonus scheme has become an integral part of the modern employment package. Granting the bonus or changing the scheme itself is at the employer’s discretion.
Training and courses from Parker
The lawyers at Parker Advocaten regularly speak at seminars and provide training and courses in their respective areas of expertise.
The protection of works council members, part 2: excluding non-functioning works council members
Expelling a member from the works council is not possible under the Works Council Act (WOR) by the works council or company itself. However, a member can be excluded from acting as works council member by the court (section 13 of the WOR).
The protection of works council members
Members of the Works Council, but also, for example, members of Works Council committees, are protected against detriment under the Dutch Works Councils Act (WOR) (section 21 WOR).
Employment law changes: on-call contract, chain of custody, reintegration and emergency provisions
In an outline letter dated 5 July 2022 , the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (in Dutch: Minister SZW) presented a framework approach to achieve a reform of the current labour market system.