Employment Law
Employment law is constantly changing, with various new legislation in the field of, among other things, dismissal and flexible employment. We focus on employment law in the broadest sense, including individual and collective dismissals (reorganisations), changes to employment conditions and non-competition clauses. We also have extensive experience in the field of flexible employment relationships and contract agreements. Our clients are both national and international employers, (statutory) directors and employees, in virtually all sectors of the economy.

Barbara Spliet

Renzo Ter Haseborg

Yvette Kouwenberg
lawyer/associate partner
Managing (the risk of) the corona virus at work
NewsManaging (the risk of) the corona virus at work 17 March 2020 - Renzo Ter Haseborg, Barbara Spliet and Yvette KouwenbergHow should an employer tackle the corona virus (risk)? Please be provided below with several focus areas relating to labor law. 1....
Dutch Act on Balanced Labor Market: tips for practice
NewsDutch Act on Balanced Labor Market: tips for practice October 2019 - by Yvette Kouwenberg, Barbara Spliet and Renzo Ter HaseborgDutch Act on Balanced Labor Market (WAB) In our previous newsletter we informed you of the Act on Balanced Labor Market (Wet...
Testing employees on drugs and alcohol
One cannot simply test employees on drugs and alcohol use, not even with the consent of the employee in question.
Employment Law: important law changes (WAB, WIEG, WOR and more)
The bill for the WAB has been adopted by Parliament on 5 February last. Although the plans for a longer trial period did not make it, as to the rest the bill has been upheld for the largest part. If the Senate also agrees to the bill, then the WAB will enter into force on 1 January 2020.
News Announcement Parker Advocaten 28 december 2018There’s so much we share. So why not share the same name? From 1 January 2019, De Grave De Mönnink Spliet Advocaten is joined by Scope Advocaten, continuing under the name Parker Advocaten. Taking a different...