Internet Pharmacy Advertising
Although E-health is a major spearhead in healthcare, there are also forms of digital care that are under scrutiny and have meanwhile been found impermissible by the court.
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Although E-health is a major spearhead in healthcare, there are also forms of digital care that are under scrutiny and have meanwhile been found impermissible by the court.
read moreCourt bans unilateral COVID-inspired salary decrease of 25%
read moreToday is the day. The Franchise Act has been adopted by the Senate. As of 1 January 2021, the act enters into force. As to several drastic rules a transition period of 2 years will apply (non-competition clause, right of approval and place of business’ valuation), but waiting until 2023 is out of the question.
read moreAfter a long run-up, the Franchise Act is expected to become reality within soon. Franchisors are well advized to anticipate this upcoming law which will most likely have a very brief transitory period.
Content and Introduction of Act:
The Franchise Act has been adopted by the Dutch Parliament on 16th of June.
read moreSales Forecast is no Guarantee: once more the “legal error torpedo” of franchisees recently missed its target
Quite frequently franchise organizations hire an external market research firm to have them carry out a local market survey (VPO), when the opportunity of a new outlet location presents itself.
read more(I) Temporary Payment Suspension Act 2020
with this Act a “COVID-19 Defense” is introduced for companies having liquidity issues as a result of the Corona measures taken by the government.
NOW 2.0
In our previous news releases we informed you about the Emergency Employment Bridging Measure Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkgelegenheid (NOW) and the changes to this. In the meantime, it has become clear that the NOW regulation will be renewed up to 1 October 2020 (NOW 2.0).
read moreUnder ‘portrait law’ the appearance of a person is protected and one should not simply use a recognizable image of someone else. If this does happen, then the person portrayed may oppose this, provided he has a reasonable interest in this.
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