Employee Participation

Our clients are both employers and (central) works councils that we assist with, among other things, requests for advice and consent, the drafting of regulations or company agreements and changes to the employee participation structure. Thanks to our extensive experience, we use a sharp legal eye and an open mind to come up with solutions that work in the interest of the organization and the employees. We realize the complexity of some employee participation issues and draw on our own experience in many cases and within a large number of sectors, including in the telecom and automation sector and at healthcare institutions and housing associations.

Barbara Spliet


Renzo Ter Haseborg


Yvette Kouwenberg

lawyer/associate partner


Can a Deliveroo deliverer claim worker protection?

The case is about whether a Deliveroo deliverer should be regarded as a contractor or as an employee. An important issue, because an employee enjoys much more protection than a contractor. For example, an employee is entitled to protection from dismissal, to continued payment of wages in the event of illness and unemployment benefits. All this does not apply to a contractor.

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Reintegration challenges during COVID-19

The Gatekeeper Improvement Act requires you to reintegrate an employee who is incapacitated for work due to illness. COVID-19 does not alter this, however it may cause you to face certain challenges during the reintgration process. For instance, how to reintegrate a sick employee when your business is closed as a result of governmental COVID-19 measures, such is the case in the hospitality industry? Particularily taking in mind that UWV can impose a wage sanction if UWV would deem the reintgration efforts as insufficiently after two years of illness.

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News Announcement Parker Advocaten 28 december 2018There’s so much we share.  So why not share the same name?   From 1 January 2019, De Grave De Mönnink Spliet Advocaten is joined by Scope Advocaten, continuing under the name Parker Advocaten. Taking a different...

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