Employment Law
Employment law is constantly changing, with various new legislation in the field of, among other things, dismissal and flexible employment. We focus on employment law in the broadest sense, including individual and collective dismissals (reorganisations), changes to employment conditions and non-competition clauses. We also have extensive experience in the field of flexible employment relationships and contract agreements. Our clients are both national and international employers, (statutory) directors and employees, in virtually all sectors of the economy.

Barbara Spliet

Renzo Ter Haseborg

Yvette Kouwenberg
lawyer/associate partner
The obligation to reinstate as an Achilles’ heel in reorganisations
In the event of a reorganisation, an employment contract can only be terminated if (i) there is an economic reason and (ii) redeployment is not possible within a reasonable period of time.
Privacy in the workplace
With the relaxation of corona measures, most employers would like to see their staff (partly) return to the work floor
SER advice labour market; important new legislation on the way
On 14 June 2021, the SER presented an ‘advisory report on the labour market’ jointly drawn up by employers’ and employees’ organisations. It is expected that this advice will lead to important adjustments of labour legislation.
Employee participation: right to consent to travel expenses, right of appeal by works council in case of new facts and circumstances and exclusion of trade unions
Employee participation: right to consent to travel expenses, right of appeal by works council in case of new facts and circumstances and exclusion of trade unions
Recently, a number of judgements have been published that may be of interest to those involved in employee participation. It concerns the following:
Fine for spying on employees and Registration of COVID vaccinations
Recently, the French courts imposed a fine of no less than EUR 1 million on IKEA for spying on (prospective) employees.
More and more people have received an invitation from the government to be vaccinated against corona.